Ridding Your Home of Insects

Top 5 Ways Mice Get in Your House

by Ted Miller

Mice are some of the most common indoor pests that can wreak havoc in your home. Not only do they damage your property and contaminate your food, but they can also pose serious health risks, especially if you have allergies or respiratory problems. Mouse control is essential to keep these rodents away from your home.

Learn below about the top five ways mice get into your house to help you take preventive measures and avoid a mouse infestation.

Gaps and Cracks

Mice can enter your home through small holes and cracks in your walls, roof, windows, and floors. These can be as small as a quarter of an inch, which is why it's essential to seal any openings, especially around pipes, vents, doors, and windows. You can use caulk or sealant to block the gaps, or if the holes are larger, use steel wool, which mice can't chew through.


Mice can easily walk through doors, especially if they are unsealed. They can slip in through gaps underneath doors or slide through gaps between doors and frames. Make sure to fit weather stripping or a door sweep to seal these gaps. Keeping doors closed when not in use is another way to keep mice out.

Up Trees and Through Gutters

Mice can climb trees and make their way onto your roof or other entry points. Tree branches should be trimmed back from your house, and if you have a guttering system, this should always be kept clear to avoid nesting and debris build-up, which can also invite rodents.

Attics and Basements

Attics and Basements have countless entry points for mice. Adequate sealing around pipes, vents, doorways, and electrical wiring is necessary. You can also consider using traps, repellents, and baits to deter mice, which may be hidden or nesting in these areas.

Pet Doors

If you have pet doors in your house, they can be the perfect entry point for mice. Consider installing filtered pet doors to prevent unwelcome visitors by locking out strays and unwanted animals.

Mice can quickly become a problem if left unchecked in your home. Knowing how they get in is vital to preventing an infestation in your house. Sealing up entry points, keeping the house clean, and using appropriate pest control products can help eliminate the risks of rodents. Good hygiene, regular cleaning, and professional pest control services for timely intervention can keep your home safe and ensure the highest level of rodent control. With the above tips, you can get your home back to being rodent-free.

Reach out to a local rodent control company for more info.
