Keep Crawling: Tips To Keep Spiders Out Of Your House
by Ted Miller
Got a spider problem? While spider bites rarely require medical attention, it can still be disconcerting and disturbing to share your home with these eight-legged pests.
Some of the side-effects of a spider bite include:
Difficulty breathing.
Infection at the site of the bite.
Take a closer look around to see if spiders might be living in your home:
Look for spider webs. Don't just look in corners or eaves, look in any cracks or crevices as some breeds like to curly up in these nooks and crannies.
Basements and crawl-spaces are natural magnets for spiders; if your home has spiders, this is likely where they will be.
Check your closets and any boxes of stored goods that you might have tucked away. These are ideal spots for spiders.
So, you have determined that you have a spider problem; what do you do now? For a spider infestation, contact a pest control professional for the fastest, most effective approach- and to ensure you have peace of mind when you go to bed at night. To prevent or reduce spiders around your home, try the following tips:
Spiders feed on insects, so keep spiders away by keeping insects away. Use screens on windows or doors, keep food wrapped and out of reach of houseflies, and use pesticides on any house-plants.
Pick up any dead-wood, leaves, or branches that might be piled up on or around your property.
Remove webs whenever you spot them. Even webs that may appear abandoned could contain spider egg-sacs.
Vacuum the house, including walls and ceilings, thoroughly.
Fill in cracks around doors, windows, or ceilings with caulking.
Cover your vents and chimney with a fine-gauge screen material to keep spiders out.
Place chestnuts or walnuts in the corners of your rooms; these are believed to repel spiders. Split the nuts in half or give them a tap to crack the shells and release the odor and chemical that deters spiders.
Invest in some glue-traps. These will capture and subsequently kill any spiders that pass through, but these are primarily only used for spiders that live on the ground.
Don't go messing around with spiders; call a professional when you find spiders or webs in areas of the home. Though their bites are rarely dangerous, spiders can wreak havoc and cause stress when you share your home with them. Use these tips to prevent spiders from taking up residence. Find out more by clicking here.